Tuesday, February 20, 2007

MG production - Restarting at Longbridge in the Spring ?

Seems that the Chinese car maker Nanjing has decided it's ready to restart production of the MG TF again....but not only that....it'll be back at Longbridge!!! Sounds good. It was terrible when the plant closed down and put all those employees out of work, many of whom I'm sure put their guts into giving their all there. A sad state of affairs today. They haven't decided a concrete date yet, only a brief confirmation that production would commence springtime. As a side point, most of the original MG equipment was relocated to China by Nanjing, and this means, in simple terms, that only right hand drive TFs will be made in the Midlands. Better than nothing though eh!!!


Anonymous said...

The TF will also be made in LHD form at Longbridge for EU markets as Longbridge is closer to the EU than China, unsurprisingly.

Deep throat - L/B

dre said...

Thanks for that clarification mate! Guess it would make sense for LHD versions to be built at Longbridge too :-)